Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Sportsman's Bible

The Sportsman's Bible, Holman CSB
My daughters gave me this as a gift for Fathers Day. I really like the camo idea, but found that I also prefer HCSB as a translation. This is a really great bible.


What would Jesus download?

The mission of WhatWouldJesusDownload.com is to be "your safe place on the web". The internet is a great resource for Christians, but there are many dangers when surfing the net. WhatWouldJesusDownload.com provides its visitors with a safe portal to the internet.
This is also the portal or home-base for the new Christian version of Ubuntu called, appropriately enough "Ubuntu Christian Edition". It's pre-configured with a Sword Project Bible Study program as well as DansGuardian internet filtering software.

While we're on that topic, check out Ichthux, another Linux distribution aimed at Christian users. It comes with a Sword Project reader, several bibles and Hebrew fonts.

What to write, what to write...

I wanted a handy place to post web pages and information and whatever I happen across as it relates to God and the great outdoors that He's given us. ..so, here it is!